Plant of the Month – October

You will find a variety of plants that are in their prime during the month of October. Find out more about these plants by getting in contact with Kai Gardens.

September 11, 2017


Kowhai = yellow in te reo Maori. It is our unofficial national flower (I don’t think we have an official one), and a tree we see […]
October 28, 2015

Navel Orange

  Oranges originated as a sour fruit from China. Navel oranges were “discovered” in 1820 from a group of mutant trees with seedless sweet fruit growing in a garden in Brazil. Because they were […]
October 5, 2015

Loropetalum chinese

aka Chinese fringe flower, this plant is becoming more popular in landscaped gardens for good reason. The burgundy leaved version with its bright pink flowers is […]